welcome to the rinjiscape!

hi! i'm rinji

Illustrator | Graphic Designer | Archi Student


she/they, #2TEEN

likes... kpop (ult group, svt), kdramas, anime, art, painting, music, art, jewelry, upcycling, milktea, strawberry milk, netflix, journaling, salmon, pink

COMMISSION status: closed


nametype of commprogress
person 1--
person 2--
person 3--
person 4--
person 5--

If you have a problem with any of these terms, they may be discussed with me prior to paying for your commissioned piece.

♡∞:。.。    。.。:∞♡
• Fixed art style
• Prices are subject to change without prior notice
• A copy of this terms of service will be sent via email and/or invoice to protect both parties
I, Rinji (the artist):
• reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason
• I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork.
• I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms.
• I reserve the right to post the commissioned and/or its WIPs artwork online, in my portfolio as well as in publications.
You (the customer/commissioner):
• You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels.
• You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, make prints, sell the artwork, etc.)
• You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without my (the artist's) consent.
• You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes (unless discussed with me prior).
You may NOT use the commissioned work and sell it as NFT.

♡∞:。.。    。.。:∞♡
1. Answer the GForm () to reserve a slot for my commissions. After please patiently wait for me to contact you through your preferred communication channel to confirm your slot and further discuss the commission
2. Throughout the discussion you can send references (poses, vibes, moodboards, clothes, colors, etc.) and other suggestions. This will help me get a feel of what the piece and will help me further personalize it for you.
3. I'll show you the sketch first before I start coloring and shading (Once you confirm the initial sketch, you will not be allowed to cancel the commission once I start coloring).
4. The time it takes to finish your commission varies from 4 weeks to 2 months depending on factors such as school, health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, other commissions and con seasons.
5. A copy of the commissioned work (PNG or JPEG) will be sent to your email.

♡∞:。.。    。.。:∞♡
• I will notify you when I have started on your commission and you, therefore, lose the rights to refund
• I will be sending consultations (work-in-progess drawings) to you for checking; it will include a watermark & "work-in-progress" and will be sent to you in a lower resolution.
• Once finished you will be receiving the finished piece through your email in its respective file type. There will be no physical product
• The time it takes to finish your commission varies from 4 weeks to 2 months (no rush orders please :>) depending on factors such as school, health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, other commissions in queue and con seasons.
• If a commission takes longer than expected or has been pushed back, I kindly and humbly ask for your understanding and patience as my main priority will be my schoolwork
• Up to 2 major revisions (e.g. changing a pose) and 3 minimal revisions (addition of minor elements, correction of minor element) only

♡∞:。.。    。.。:∞♡
75% Downpayment or Full Payment Upfront
• Payment will be made upon confirmation of the initial sketch
• Cancellations will require you to pay 75% of your remaining balance
BDO Bank Transfer and GCash only
• To avoid anxieties between both parties, please make sure to send a copy of the payment (screenshot, reciept, reference number, etc,)

♡∞:。.。    。.。:∞♡
Art type
Bust Up, Half Body, Hips Up, Knees Up, Full Body, or Chibi (please refer to rates)
Canvas Size
Ratio (for example 16:9, 1:1, 3:4, 7:8, etc.)
Landscape or Portrait
Simple backgrounds (are free of charge; minimal and simple elements/color) or Complex backgrounds (will have additional fees; specific place or landscape)
Color palette, poses, hair styles, anything you'd like for me to get inspirations from :>
To avoid conflicts with my schedule (as I am currently a full time architecture student) please set a deadline of when you wish your piece to be done. This will be further discussed and negotiated when I communicate with you to confirm your commission!